Thorax - up to 1.0 CPD
1hr 9 mins viewing time
- Introduction to the Thoracic Cage
- Mediastinum
- Tracheobronchial Tree
- Lungs
- Gaseous Exchange
- Diaphragm
- Heart: Pericardium, Heart borders and surfaces
- Heart: Coronary Arteries
- Heart: Chambers and Valves
- Heart: Electroconductivity
- Thoracic Aorta
Abdomen up to:
All videos - 2.5 CPD points
11+ Videos - 1 CPD point
2hrs 8mins viewing time
- Oesophagus
- Stomach - Function and Features
- Stomach - Neurovascular
- Stomach - Hernia
- Small Intestine - Intoduction
- Small Intestine - Duodenum
- Small Intestine - Jejunum and Ileum
- Large Intestine - Function and Features
- Large Intestine - Blood Supply
- Liver
- Gallbladder
- Pancreas
- Spleen
- Introduction to Abdominal Wall
- Anterior Abdominal Wall
- Posterior Abdominal Wall
- Introduction to Abdominal Cavity
- Abdominal Regions
- Abdominal Aorta
- Inferior Vena Cava
- Kidneys
- Suprarenal Glands
Pelvis up to:
All videos - 2.0 CPD points
7 + Videos - 1.0 CPD point
1hr 45mins viewing time
- Introduction to the Pelvis
- Contents of the Pelvic Cavity
- Introduction to the Perineum
- Inguinal Canal
- Bladder
- Ureters
- Rectum
- Anal Canal
- Female Reproductive System
- Male Reproductive System - Penis, Prostate, Seminal Vesicles
- Male Reproductive System - Spermatic Cord
- Male Reproductive System - Scrotum ane Testes
- Male Reproductive System - Blood Supply